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How to Connect With Someone (Even If There Is a Real Chance of Rejection) In his book, “Never split the difference”, ex-FBI Hostage Negotiator Chris Voss talks about how negotiation is an emotional practice. In 1979, the Harvard Negotiation Project was founded with the goal of improving the practice of negotiation. The outcome of the project...
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There’s a quote from Mario Puzo’s book famously known as the movie, “The Godfather”.  Let  me paraphrase what Don Corleone says about doing favours for other people; it is like making a deposit in a bank account. There will come a day when you will need to make a withdrawal so keep doing favours for other...
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Choice of using ‘and’ instead of ‘but’ Our words are very powerful. The words we use are reflective of our unconscious choices (whether we like them or not). So when we use the word “but” it can be limiting our opportunities to succeed and be happy in life. “I love my child, but I don’t like...
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We do get tired of telling our children to put their shoes in the rack, keep their books in place, wash their hands, do their homework …the list is endless. A parent is constrained by being told that they cannot yell, shout or hit their child to instill discipline in them 🙂 One parent found a...
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Children ages 11+ enjoyed a session on the Cosmos taken by Parthasarathy, who took the initiative to share his interests with the children. Objective was to create a curiousity in them to imagine, explore and go beyond their textbooks. The feedback was great, as children wanted more of these sessions. They liked the interactive method in...
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